Mobiles4BusinessUK – Privacy Policy

Mobiles4BusinessUK wants to protect the privacy of visitors to our website and that of our customers and partners. Please read the following policy; it will help you to understand how we use your personal data. We may change our privacy policy at any time without giving you notice, so please check it each time you visit our website.

Mobiles4BusinessUK, 9 Birch Avenue, Rishworth, Sowerby Bridge, West Yorkshire, HX6 4RR.
Telephone: +44 7955 884386

Mobiles4BusinessUK uses legitimate interest as the legal basis for data processing under GDPR. If you have any requests concerning your personal data, or any queries with regards to how we handle your data, you can contact us by phone on +44 7955 884386, email or write to us at the above address.

How do we collect and use your personal data?

We only hold UK Business to Business data and the personal data we process is restricted to data subject’s name, business address, business email, business phone number, and in some cases mobile phone number. When you register with us, visit our website, use our services, make an enquiry or order products or services from us, you may be asked to provide some personal data.

We use your personal data to enable us to provide goods, services and support. This includes contact information, billing/financial information, and equipment configuration details. Your personal data may also be used to let you know about other goods and services we provide, which we have identified as potentially being of legitimate interest to you.

We automatically collect data about visitors to our website by using cookies. This data is used in an anonymous form to monitor the performance of our website and to improve user experience.

Whenever you give us personal data, you are consenting to its collection and use in accordance with this Privacy Policy. By using this website, you consent to our use of cookies in accordance with our cookie policy.


We would like to use your personal data to send you details of services that we offer which we have identified as likely to be of interest to you. We will only send you information in line with the preferences you indicated when you provided the personal data.

If at any point you would like to opt-out of receiving communications from us, change the channels (such as email or post) that we use to contact you, or if you have any requests concerning your personal data, or queries with regard to how we handle your data, contact us using the contact details above.